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Bloomberg | Bloomberg | Getty ImagesRussia's economy is expected to grow faster than all advanced economies this year, according to the International Monetary Fund. The prediction will be galling for Western nations which have sought to economically isolate and punish Russia for its 2022 invasion of Ukraine. In short, Russia has adapted to a "new normal" as its economy has been put on a war footing. The Washington-based IMF includes the U.S., U.K., the euro area's largest economies, Canada and Japan as advanced economies. "If you look at Russia, today, production goes up, [for the] military, [and] consumption goes down.
Persons: Vladimir Putin, Uralvagonzavod, Ramil Sitdikov, Kristalina Georgieva, CNBC's Dan Murphy, Georgieva, Elvira Nabiullina, Andrey Rudakov Organizations: Evraz Consolidated, Siberian Metallurgical, Bloomberg, Getty, International Monetary Fund, U.S, Sputnik, Afp, IMF, TU, CNBC, World Governments, Bank of Russia, Duma Locations: Evraz Consolidated West, Novokuznetsk, Russia, Germany, France, Ukraine, India, China, Russian, Urals, Nizhny Tagil, Washington, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia, Kazan, Dubai, Soviet Union, Russia's
Two killed as hurricanes rage in Russia's Siberia
  + stars: | 2023-11-19 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
MOSCOW, Nov 19 (Reuters) - Two people were killed when a tree crushed their car as hurricanes with winds reaching 38 metres per second hit several regions in Russia's Siberia on Sunday. Another two people were hospitalised by the falling tree in the Russian city of Novokuznetsk, TASS news agency quoted a regional official. A large sign fell on a woman near a shopping centre in Novokuznetsk, a video on social media showed. According to a local official, cited by RIA Novosti, the woman was hospitalised. According to Russian media, winds caused damage in Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk and Omsk regions, Altai Krai, Republic of Altai, Republic of Khakasia.
Persons: Sergei Kuznetsov, Kuznetsov, Guy Faulconbridge Organizations: TASS, RIA Novosti, Republic of Altai , Republic of Khakasia, Reuters, Thomson Locations: MOSCOW, Siberia, Russian, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Altai Krai, Republic of Altai , Republic of
A worker stores aluminium ingots at the foundry shop of the Rusal Krasnoyarsk aluminium smelter in Krasnoyarsk, Russia October 3, 2018. China, meanwhile, is emerging as an increasingly important market for Rusal's finished products as Western appetite for Russian metal shrinks. China shipped over a million metric tons of alumina in 2022, of which 843,000 metric tons went to Russia. China's imports of primary aluminium vs Russian-brand metalCHINA IMPORTS MORE RUSSIAN METALWhile Chinese alumina has been flowing to Russia, increasing quantities of Russian aluminium have also been entering China. But the world's largest producer is now operating close to a government-mandated capacity cap of 45 million metric tons.
Persons: Ilya Naymushin, Rusal, China wouldn't, Tomasz Janowski Organizations: REUTERS, Rusal's, GAP, London Metal Exchange, Reuters, Thomson Locations: Krasnoyarsk, Russia, Hebei Wenfeng, Queensland, Australia, China, Ukraine, Russian, mushrooming, CHINA, Volgograd, Novokuznetsk, Siberia, Yunnan
O femeie care cântăreşte peste 100 de kilograme şi-a sufocat soţul aşezându-se pe capul lui, în timpul unui scandal iscat între cei doi, aşteptând ca bărbatul să îşi ceară iertare. Fiica bărbatului și-a văzut tatăl ţinut cu fața în jos pe pat și a alergat să ceară ajutor vecinilor din zonă, potrivit dovezilor din anchetă. O localnică a vrut să intervină, potrivit Observatornews, dar după ce a văzut situaţia a decis să stea deoparte considerând că este o „dispută internă pe care cuplul o va rezolva”. Soția „a strangulat soțul cu fesele ei după ce a băut prea mult alcool”, potrivit anchetatorilor. La un prim proces, acuzaţia a fost schimbată de la crimă la moarte cauzată prin neglijenţă, fiind aduse dovezi potrivit cărora femeia nu avea intenţia de a-l omorî cu adevărat.
Persons: situaţia, Tatyana Locations: Rusia, Novokuznetsk, Aidar
Total: 4